When was the last time you cook dinner for your grandparents?

My 83-year-old grandma just had a wonderful time sampling two simple dishes that I’ve prepared for her today. The joy that I observe on her face as she dines together with me is more that enough for the effort made in preparing the meal. She suffers from dementia, and may not even remember our little meal together a few minutes after her meal. That doesn’t stop me from continuing to come up with some new dishes for her to try out every now and then. Her condition makes me realise the importance to live in the now, and cherish every moment that you have with your loved ones, as the day may come that they might no longer be there with you or even recognises you. So, take action! Go ahead and make that surprise call or visit to your families and loved ones. Put a smile on their face. Act now! What is stopping you? Charity and doing good begins at home! ♥ ♥ ♥ 🙂
By: Yuen JH