Your story…Growing up in a not-so-wealthy family, my family often received second hand goods from friends and relatives including books, clothing and toys. My brother and I would always fought for newer looking or cooler toys, as if it never looked second-hand to us. Sometimes, I pretended that I have mistook items from someone and never returned it because I knew it will never be on the to-buy-list even if we have extra money. I remembered how my mum used to say “Wait for next month okay?” when my brothers and I requested to buy items like sport shoes, clothing and stuffs. We took turns. I have learnt to be grateful over the years.
Now that I have started working in Great Heart Charity Association and serving the underprivileged groups, I saw the image of my family in olden days and the same struggles in them. I remembered vividly how a beneficiary hugged me in tears after I have brought them for a groceries shopping. To me, it was just few hours of my time, but to she and her family, it was one month worth of food and daily necessities.
To help them with greatest strength I have is what I have promised to myself because who knows the tiniest help could be a greatest thing to them.