“关爱你 关爱我 教育计划”讲座分享会


To cultivate a caring society, charity should be considered as a form of education. The implementation of charity cultures into schools serves to act as a kick start for students to organize community projects voluntarily while enhancing their self-development.

Recently, Great Heart Charity has organized a charity seminar talk in Chong Hwa high school with the participation of 54 students representing from 33 different societies and clubs.

Great Heart Charity encouraged the students to utilize their strength and leadership skill in leading their clubs and societies to organize and participate in charity work. Through You and Me Educational Program, Great Heart Charity will serve as a mentor in providing guidance in terms of financial support and consultation to students throughout the charity project planning.

“什么是慈善?给人一个微笑,一句鼓励的话,散播正能量给予身边的人,也是慈善,做慈善没有限定于物质上的援助。。” 耕心慈善协会秘书徐瑞宝、活动策划邓妙慧与叶佳绿,日前在巴生中华独中进行 “关爱你 关爱我 教育计划” 讲座分享会。

参与的54位学生是来自该校的33个社团的干部代表,藉由这个机会与学生互动与交流,希望学生能举办社区活动,善用自己的专长贡献于弱势群体。在这一项“关爱你 关爱我 教育计划”里,耕心慈善协会将会提供指导和资金给予学生作为支持与鼓励。