Showing 17–30 of 30 results

Family Case: FC-16-13 Zulia Binti Mahali

Donation: RM30 – RM300





耕心慈善将给予Zulia  RM300以购买日常生活用品,为期六个月。

Family Case: FC-16-14 Hemavathy a/p shanmugam

Donation: RM30 – RM300


Thillainathan曾经是一位德士司机,但后来不幸患上肺炎,也间接导致了皮肤问题。由于感染肺炎后,导致(先生)身体虚弱,行动不便。妻子Hemavathy原本则是在物流公司上班,但后来也患上了关节炎,现在只能靠轮椅行动。因此夫妻两人都失去了工作能力,靠着年迈的(女士的母亲)打点着家里的一切。(女士)每个月都必须到Hospital Putrajaya复诊并拿药,每一次的医药费为RM3000-RM5000。夫妻也育有2男一女,目前在文良港美丽小学上学, 孩子们的学杂费以及零用钱也为他们带来经济上的负担。一家人的经济靠着社险机构给予每月RM1000的保险金,以及靠着亲朋戚友的一些援助勉强度日。



耕心慈善协会将给予Hemavathy  RM300的日常生活费用,为期六个月。


Family Case: FC-16-15 Chen Nyit Foui

Donation: RM30 – RM300




耕心慈善协会给予曾先生  RM300的日常生活费用,为期六个月。

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Fundraiser by Golden Key Society (GKS)

Target: RM 2000

Service Pillar of Golden Key Society (GKS) Multimedia University Melaka Campus are currently collaborating with Great Heart Charity Association Malaysia to organize an online fundraiser. The aim of this online fundraiser is to raise funds to sustain the association’s upcoming years charity program. The association targets to extend a helping hand to underprivileged families, dialysis patients, indigenous community, old folks, children, and disabled person. Besides helping the underprivileged community, it will also inspire others to incorporate charitable giving into everyday life and assist in meeting the requirements of an expanding number of impoverished families. Through this collaboration, Service Pillar of Golden key Society Multimedia University hopes to instill a spirit of generosity in each individual who attends the fundraising activities.


Target: RM2,000.00

Fundraising Date: 17 December 2022 – 31 December 2022


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Medical Equipment Donation Project

Target: RM 60200

Due to the shortages in various medical equipment at government hospitals with the high influx of Covid-19 patients, the situation has overwhelmed healthcare workers at the hospitals. GHCA and its partners contribute medical equipment to selected governmental hospitals based on the respective hospitals’ needs.

We are targeting RM506,560.00 for this project. With the exceeded fund from the donation, shall be utilized to help more health care centers.




CAMPAIGN END DATE: 31 December 2021



Mon – Fri, 9:00am – 5:00pm

013 933 8888

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Pave Our Way, #GiftOfHope

Target: RM 3000


Being kind is a choice, a choice we can rejoice…

Being a social worker, a full-time volunteer, we pave our way together to make the world greater.

Nothing can stop us from doing good, from being kind and from the love we share to those we care.

Greetings and good day, I am now raising funds for an incredible cause, one that inspires me and makes me believe that we can all believe and work together to help and care for those in need.

My target is RM3,000.00 and I hope to achieve my target by the end of the fundraiser.

For every donation of RM50 & above, request me a story, a poem or any special request, as long as it’s in my power and ability, I will do my best to fulfill on any.


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Donation: RM50 – RM2000

A tragic and heartbreaking accident happened in 5th August 2017, when the merciless fire burned down two joint houses in Orang Asli village in Tapah and three families who lives together has lost their shelter.

There is a total of 10 persons with the youngest being 1 month old who lives in the joint houses. Fortunately, there was no injuries occurred but they have lost everything in their house during the fire.

As there are no electrical supply in the Orang Asli village, they often light up the candles at their house but the father forgot to extinguish it before he leaves the house for the meeting. And this mistake has cost them their houses, the father felt remorse and is really anxious on where does his family going to stay because they have no money. They temporarily stay in their friend’s place and is really desperate to get a new shelter.

Great Heart Charity Association has decided to step up and help this family to regain their home. In order to help this family, we would be needing Rm18,000 and hopefully more kind-hearted people can donate to us for this cause:

Funding Required:

  1. RM9000 to rebuild the Orang Asli house
  2. RM3000 to purchase the basic household items
  3. RM6000 to purchase the groceries and conduct medical checkup for the 75 families there in the village.


Any donation of Rm50 above to Great Heart Charity Association can receive the tax-exempted receipt.

Please help us to help them. Your generosity and kindness will help them to regain their home.

Person-in-charge: Joshua – 016-647 1336


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The Greener Good

Target: RM 1000

For The Greener Good is an online fundraising campaign held by a group of Sunway University Psychology students aiming to sustainably lighten the burden of those facing food insecurity.

The funds raised will go towards helping maintain the community garden at Great Heart Charity Community Centre. The harvested crops from the community garden will then be distributed to the underprivileged.

Our mission is to spread social awareness about food insecurity in Malaysia and to create greater change for the greener good. If you would like to help those in need, it is as simple as our slogan! Simply donate, and we will plant and feed.


Fundraising target: RM 1, 000
Fundraising duration: 11/02/2022 – 28/02/2022


For any inquiries, please contact us at

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You & Me : Gracious Givers

Target: RM 1500

You & Me is a knowledge sharing sessions and are conducted for school and university students so that they initiate and organise charity projects with Great Heart partnering them as mentor and funder.

We are Diploma in Hotel Management students from Sunway University. We are organizing a fundraising “Gracious Givers” in order to help the orphanage which called Persatuan dan Kebajikan Social Kim Loo Ting. 

The mission of Gracious givers is to help the orphanage in Malaysia that having financial problems during this pandemic. 

Our goals is to help the orphanage to have less economic pressure. 

Help us and help these orphans.  Your contribution is the greatest credit. The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. 


Fundraising Goal: RM1,500.00

Fundraising Period: 7th October – 27th October 2021

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You & Me: Gracious Giving

Target: RM 1500

“Gracious Giving” is an event that is held by UOW Malaysia KDU students under the GSR subject. Throughout this event, we will also be partnering up with the Great Heart Charity Association. Our aim is to raise funds of RM 1,500.00, which will allow us to purchase medical items such as Lactul Solutions and Enema for Pusat Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Taman Megah.


Every little bit counts. Together, let’s bring joy to the children.


Fundraising Period: 7 March 2023 to 17 March 2023

Fundraising Target: RM 1,500.00



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You & Me: Kits for Kids Online Fundraising

Target: RM 1000

Kits for Kids: Online Fundraising  by Sunway University School of Hospitality and Service Management (Community Service project)

Students from the Community Service class of Sunway University School of Hospitality and Service Management are currently collaborating with Great Heart Charity Association Malaysia to organize an online fundraising event. The beneficiary of this event is RumahKids of USJ where all funds donated will be allocated to buy urgently needed household items and daily necessities. With the kind act of giving from the public, we aim to nurture the goodness in caring for the young children in this event. 

Items Included: 

  1. Household Items
  2. Medicines
  3. Toiletries
  4. Stationery Set


Fundraising Date:  1 October 2022 to 14 October 2022

Fundraising Target:  RM 1,000.00

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You & Me: Online Fundraising by Service Pillar of Golden Key Society (GKS)

Target: RM 2000

Service Pillar of Golden Key Society (GKS) Multimedia University Melaka Campus are currently collaborating with Great Heart Charity Association Malaysia to organise an online fundraiser. The aim of this online fundraiser is to raise funds to help six main targets which includes Dialysis Patients, Orphanage Homes, Old Folks, OKU/PWD, Indigenous and Underprivileged Families. Through this collaboration, Service Pillar of Golden Key Society Multimedia University hopes to cultivate the charitable act of giving in the hearts of each individual participating in our fundraising events.


Fundraising Date: 6 June 2022 to 6 July 2022
Fundraising Target: RM1,000
For any inquiries, please contact us at

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You & Me: The Good Acts

Target: RM 4000
We are a group of students from School of Hospitality who are conducting a fundraising for the 6 main caring targets of the Great Heart Charity Association. The 6 main caring targets consist of OKU, Dialysis Patient, Orphanage Home, Old Folks, Orang Asli & Underprivileged Families. We believe that it is our job to do our best to be there for those who are not able to lend a hand for themselves and help those in need by doing fundraising.
Fundraising Date: 15th Feb 2022 – 1st  March 2022 
Fundraising Target: RM1000 (Achieved on 16th February 2022)
New Fundraising Target: RM4000