#GiftOfHope – Great Heart Charity Fundraiser 2022
Target: RM 639000
GHCC: 03-3381 0955
GHCC: 03-3381 0955
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Service Pillar of Golden Key Society (GKS) Multimedia University Melaka Campus are currently collaborating with Great Heart Charity Association Malaysia to organize an online fundraiser. The aim of this online fundraiser is to raise funds to sustain the association’s upcoming years charity program. The association targets to extend a helping hand to underprivileged families, dialysis patients, indigenous community, old folks, children, and disabled person. Besides helping the underprivileged community, it will also inspire others to incorporate charitable giving into everyday life and assist in meeting the requirements of an expanding number of impoverished families. Through this collaboration, Service Pillar of Golden key Society Multimedia University hopes to instill a spirit of generosity in each individual who attends the fundraising activities.
Target: RM2,000.00
Fundraising Date: 17 December 2022 – 31 December 2022
UiTM Students’ Surgical Association (USSA) dengan kerjasama beberapa kelab persatuan fakulti perubatan UiTM sedang mencari dana sumbangan (Online Fundraising) untuk mengadakan satu program yang akan memberi bantuan sumbangan kepada golongan-golongan miskin , asnaf , OKU dan anak-anak yatim di sekitar kawasan selangor. Bantuan ini akan disalurkan dalam pelbagai bentuk termasuklah sumbangan makanan dan wang yang akan sedikit sebanyak mengukir senyuman di wajah mereka, insan yang kurang bernasib baik. Di dalam rangkaan juga untuk mengadakan pemeriksaan kesihatan dan membangunkan kesedaran tentang penyakit-penyakit yang terkenal di negara kita terutamanya golongan ini yang kurang mendapat perhatian dan sering disisihkan masyarakat.
Berat mata memandang kesusahan yang mereka alami, berat lagi bahu yang memikul. Kami amat berharap sumbangan budi dari pihak Tuan/Puan dan jangan lepaskan kesempatan ini untuk menderma kerana ini adalah suatu peluang untuk melakukan amal baik kepada mereka.
Being kind is a choice, a choice we can rejoice…
Being a social worker, a full-time volunteer, we pave our way together to make the world greater.
Nothing can stop us from doing good, from being kind and from the love we share to those we care.
Greetings and good day, I am now raising funds for an incredible cause, one that inspires me and makes me believe that we can all believe and work together to help and care for those in need.
My target is RM3,000.00 and I hope to achieve my target by the end of the fundraiser.
For every donation of RM50 & above, request me a story, a poem or any special request, as long as it’s in my power and ability, I will do my best to fulfill on any.
For The Greener Good is an online fundraising campaign held by a group of Sunway University Psychology students aiming to sustainably lighten the burden of those facing food insecurity.
The funds raised will go towards helping maintain the community garden at Great Heart Charity Community Centre. The harvested crops from the community garden will then be distributed to the underprivileged.
Our mission is to spread social awareness about food insecurity in Malaysia and to create greater change for the greener good. If you would like to help those in need, it is as simple as our slogan! Simply donate, and we will plant and feed.
Fundraising target: RM 1, 000
Fundraising duration: 11/02/2022 – 28/02/2022
For any inquiries, please contact us at forthegreenergoodproject@gmail.com
Every cent counts and means a lot to our beneficiary!
We would like to call for everyone to donate to our campaign “Joy Makers” organized by Sunway TES Students. Be one of our joy makers to save the needy by contributing to the fundraiser!
Regardless of the global pandemic, we hope that your act of kindness would warm the hearts of the children and the underprivileged communities.
Our aim here is to achieve the goal of RM1,000 in just three-weeks period. Hence, we would cherish your kindness for contributing to our fundraiser in supporting the underprivilege community. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and families too!
Fundraising Period: 12 October 2022 to 31 October 2022
Fundraising Target: RM 1,000.00
Kits for Kids: Online Fundraising by Sunway University School of Hospitality and Service Management (Community Service project)
Students from the Community Service class of Sunway University School of Hospitality and Service Management are currently collaborating with Great Heart Charity Association Malaysia to organize an online fundraising event. The beneficiary of this event is RumahKids of USJ where all funds donated will be allocated to buy urgently needed household items and daily necessities. With the kind act of giving from the public, we aim to nurture the goodness in caring for the young children in this event.
Items Included:
Fundraising Date: 1 October 2022 to 14 October 2022
Fundraising Target: RM 1,000.00
Service Pillar of Golden Key Society (GKS) Multimedia University Melaka Campus are currently collaborating with Great Heart Charity Association Malaysia to organise an online fundraiser. The aim of this online fundraiser is to raise funds to help six main targets which includes Dialysis Patients, Orphanage Homes, Old Folks, OKU/PWD, Indigenous and Underprivileged Families. Through this collaboration, Service Pillar of Golden Key Society Multimedia University hopes to cultivate the charitable act of giving in the hearts of each individual participating in our fundraising events.
Fundraising Date: 6 June 2022 to 6 July 2022
Fundraising Target: RM1,000
For any inquiries, please contact us at gksservicepillar@gmail.com