Underprivileged Family Case: FC-15-40 家庭个案 ANG SWEE FENG 洪水封

姓名:Ang Swee Feng 洪水封


14岁的洪水封是一名孤儿。在她幼小时,爸爸于一场车祸过世,而过后妈妈改嫁了。继父对妈妈和孩子们都非常的关照,但很不幸的继父也因重病而去世了,剩下她和两个姐弟与妈妈相依为命。可惜天意弄人,不久后妈妈患癌而过世了。 他们3姐弟被逼分隔两地。她目前依靠于小叔,但生活并不富有,只能提供三餐。义工提及她是一名乖巧的女孩,会帮忙做家务。虽然痛失父母但她并不忧郁,反而更认真地生活。 水封希望耕心慈善协会可以帮助她付补习费,因为她想好好读书。



Category: SKU: FC-15-40


Name: Ang Swee Feng
Gender: Female


14 year old Ang Swee Feng is an orphan. Her father passed away in a car accident when she was young. Her mother then remarried and the stepfather took care of the family. Unfortunately he died after a brief illness, leaving her mother and the three children to fend for themselves. Her mother died not long after from cancer and the three siblings were separated.
Swee Feng is now taken care of by her uncle, who does not earn much and can only provide food and a roof over her head. Great Heart volunteers found her to be very intelligent, and hard-working often doing all the household chores after she has completed her schoolwork. She has not given up on life even after the loss of her parents. She wants to do well in her studies because she believes a positive attitude and hard work in the face of adversity can change her life.

How We Helped:

Great Heart Charity Association has granted her an allowance of RM195 each month for tutorial fees for a period of five months.