Help Us Ease Tan’s Struggle

RM 1,780.00


RM 1,780.00 Goal

1 Donors

Tan Tien Leng has a spinal condition, and faces challenges every day in simply getting around. While they have an electric wheelchair, its weight and size often make it difficult to transport in regular vehicles and navigate certain places. Tien Leng dreams of having a manual wheelchair, one that is easier to use in these situations and can help them regain some mobility and independence.

With a manual wheelchair, Tien Leng could travel more easily, attend appointments, and go about daily activities without the constant limitations of their current wheelchair. Your support in providing this essential tool would bring Tien Leng much-needed freedom and comfort.  


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors

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