Great Heart Charity Association collaborates with like-minded parties such as corporations and organizations to achieve a similar objective – give back to society. Throughout the years, we have been actively engaged in CSR activities in several ways:


1) Beneficiaries of the Activities/Campaign

Be it a monetary or in-kind donation, we are constantly looking for support on our ongoing programs and activities and to cater to more underprivileged groups. Contact us for more information on our initiative.


2) Charity Partner

a) Assist to plan out CSR Program

The administrative cost will be charged at RM35/manhour. Collaborators may state their interests (e.g. location, budget, number of staff involved, and preferred date/month) for us to proceed with project planning and execution. While collaborators bear the full cost of the activity, we source ideal beneficiaries and helps organize suitable and meaningful activities.

b) Joint partnership

Different parties come together for a joint effort in organizing a campaign or project. Each party is assigned different roles and tasks, such as advertising, groundwork, liaison, etc. Administrative costs may be charged.


3) Manpower Assistance

Collaborators may participate in our ongoing volunteering opportunities. However, it is usually limited and based on a first come first serve basis.


Complimentary Services

As an appreciation, we offer mentions on social media platforms and quarterly reports, and sometimes assist to write and submit press releases.


Drop an email to info@greatheartcharity.org.my for more information!

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