Chang Ah Chai 先生,今年65岁,来自登嘉楼。20多年前来到吉隆坡打工。
他一个月收入有大约有1,800令吉 , 而他就把大部分的收入都花在洗肾的费用和平时的开销。但是洗肾费用其实非常昂贵,可去到1500令吉以上,这个经济负担实在让他喘不过气,他目前已经申请了政府津贴,正在等待政府批准。
在这段辛苦的时间里,耕心慈善决定赞助他一年的洗肾费用,每月1,000 令吉的洗肾津贴来减轻他的负担。
目前耕心慈善已经赞助了长达三个月(从2019年二月至四月),我们希望以大众的爱心和力量,我们可以凑到足够的款项来赞助他从2019年五月到2020年一月 – 每月1000令吉的洗肾费用,目标凑款是9,000令吉!
凑款目标:RM 9,000
Great Heart Online Helping Hand – Case 13:
Mr Chang Ah Chai is a 65 years old man who is single and lives alone. He moves from Terengganu to Kuala Lumpur to work as a stall helper in chicken rice hawker stall for more than 20 years. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney failure in 2017. Even though he needs to undergo hemodialysis treatment three days a week, but he never gives up on himself and continue working every day. What makes all of us admired is that even on his treatment days, he still pushed himself to go to work after the treatment as he is very determined to be independent. He earned approximately RM1800 monthly and he spent most of his savings on medical treatment and personal expense. The medical haemodialysis treatment is expensive as it can cost up to RM1500 above monthly, so he is currently applying the subsidies from Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia and is waiting for approval.
Since Great Heart Charity Association had supported him with monthly RM1000 dialysis fee for 3 months from Feb 19 to Apr 19, we are looking for the public donation to support Mr Chang from May 19 to Jan 20 with monthly RM1000 subsidies for him to undergo haemodialysis treatment. The total fundraising target is RM9000 in total.
Total fundraising target: RM9,000
Persatuan Kasih Sejati (Great Heart Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia. Donations of RM50 and above are tax exempt under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967.
If you need any clarification or further instructions, feel free to contact us at +603-5131 6107.