Meng Kwai Sim ,66岁,单身,父母在她年轻时就去世了,所以她靠自己的努力帮人打工将近30多年,在购物商场做推销员之类的工作. 可惜当她老了后,身体状况不佳的她患上了thyroid cancer, 肾病,高血压等导致她无法工作。肾病是个最让她头疼的病魔,因为每个星期她都需要洗肾三次,而且费用高达1500令吉以上.无依无靠的她目前一个人住在小小的家,靠着EPF 来负担家里费用和洗肾的费用. 她非常希望耕心慈善可以帮助她每个月720令吉的洗肾津贴,减少她的经济负担.
耕心慈善决定帮助Meng Kwai Sim 从2019年2月到7月的洗肾津贴, 每个月720令吉。
筹款总额: RM4320
Great Heart Online Helping Hand – Case 12:
Madam Meng Kwai Sim is a 66 years old single lady who stays alone. She had previously worked as a babysitter, promoter, and assistant supervisor in supermarket. However, when she is getting older, her physical condition deteriorated and she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, high blood pressure, and kidney failure, which prevented her from working. Monthly hemodialysis expense up to RM1500 above and the household expense is stressing her out financially. With no one in the family to rely to, she is hoping that Great Heart Charity Association can continue to support her in hemodialysis expense for RM720 monthly to reduce her financial burden, starting from February 2019 to July 2019.
Total fundraising target: RM4320.
Persatuan Kasih Sejati (Great Heart Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia. Donations of RM50 and above are tax exempt under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967.
If you need any clarification or further instructions, feel free to contact us at +603-5131 6107.