A New Fridge for Hafizz

RM 0.00


RM 1,400.00 Goal

0 Donors

Hafizz, a man with a lot of errands on his plate, managing a busy household with numerous responsibilities.

Among his daily challenges, keeping food fresh and safe has become a significant struggle due to a broken fridge.

Despite his best efforts to find an affordable replacement, trying both budget options online and in stores, he has been unable to purchase a new one.

Your generous donation could make a meaningful difference by helping Hafizz buy a new fridge.

This essential appliance would not only ensure that his family’s food remains fresh but also alleviate one of his major daily concerns, providing him with much-needed relief and stability.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Campaign Closed


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