Heart Heart, Great Heart Charity’s mascot,is a three-pin plug with a great heart. Its three pins represent the three pillars of Great Heart Charity Association, which are:

and all are connected through Great Heart Charity Association as the charity platform of choice to help those in need.

In conjunction with Heart Heart’s 5th Birthday, we would like to invite everyone to join us in celebrating Heart Heart’s birthday by doing 100 Good Deeds and bringing 100 Smiles to underprivileged children.

Activity 1: Do Good and Share!
Do good now, and share with us your inspirational stories by photo and caption to inspire others. We aim to collect 100 do-gooders’ stories, with a Heart Heart plush toy being donated to an underprivileged child for each story submission.
100 of 100 stories

Activity 2: Donate a Heart Heart!
Contribute a Heart Heart plush toy to an underprivileged child from charity home/ needy families. Each Heart Heart plush toy purchased will be given to an underprivileged child.
29 of 100 pcs