Green Fingers Lead to a Happier Life! 🙂

Today I arranged some surprise gifts for my colleagues; a free vegetable plant giveaway for everyone, planted on recycled bottle! Besides eating healthy, I hope that growing our own vegetables can make people appreciate the beauty of nature and love our beautiful mother Earth more! Let us act to protect our Earth now! Prevent rubbish from going to landfills through practising 5Rs.
Reduce (don’t buy or use unnecessarily),
Reuse (don’t use one-time items),
Repurpose (giving old items a new life/upcycling),
Recycle (after effort from the above 3R’s)
Rot (lastly, do home composting of organic waste).
Let’s work together to protect our Earth for a better tomorrow! We are all Earth Warriors! 😊
Reduce (don’t buy or use unnecessarily),
Reuse (don’t use one-time items),
Repurpose (giving old items a new life/upcycling),
Recycle (after effort from the above 3R’s)
Rot (lastly, do home composting of organic waste).
Let’s work together to protect our Earth for a better tomorrow! We are all Earth Warriors! 😊
By: Peggy