On a hot afternoon, while on my way home, saw this stray dog at the road side. Staying in Shah Alam where the major population is Malay, you may see many cats roaming around and there will be people feeding them. To see a stray dog roaming around is rare at scene,especially at my housing area near a junggle.
He seemed a little weak, thirsty and hungry. For instance, I dont know what drives me, I pulled over my car at the road side and took out a packet of pet food that I kept in my car to feed him. I was afraid that he will act aggressively but I was wrong.
When I go near him with the food, his eyes longed for my food but he seemed very scared of me. He backed off and stay a safe distance with me . My instinct told me that this poor dog must have experience some sort of abuse or being chased off by humans.
I left the food and poured some water on ground and walked away. Seeing me staying at a safe distance, he came up and finish up the food. I sat at the roadside and gladly see him eat and drink. We had some eye contact for some time. I do not know how he feels but this time, I see no fear in his eyes. This has made up my day, I smiled. 🙂
I was never a person who has much passion towards animal cause and this is my first time feeding a stray. I salute people who are into the mission of doing animal rescue, I do not see myself working towards animal cause but I guess what I can do least is to be kind.