Great Heart’s Charity Gala Dinner is back! With the aim to fund raise RM1.15 million to procure GHCC, we have lined up the award-winning team from AMP to present a musical journey of song and dance to showcase the meaning of home and family.
This year’s theme is aptly named Home of Kindred Spirits and we hope to gather your crucial support for us to raise sufficient funds to gain ownership of GHCC to continue serving the needy.
The objectives of this Charity Gala Dinner is:
- To fundraise RM1.15 million to procure Great Heart Community Centre (GHCC) in order to continue running charity programs there to serve the needy.
- To fundraise for GHCC programs funding, which requires RM200,000 annually.
- To provide an opportunity for interaction between the public and the beneficiaries.
- To show the association’s appreciation towards the public, sponsors, and volunteers who have been supporting them throughout the years.
- To influence and inspire more members of the public in philanthropy works.
2019年第7届耕心慈善协会慈善晚宴以 “情牵百家” 为主题。耕心慈善社区服务中心作为本协会的主要基地,5年来不间断造福临近的弱势群体,这里除了是受惠者获取社会关爱及援助的温暖之家,既是义工汇聚力量的充电站,也是让捐献者竭尽所能奉献的慈善平台。为此,今年慈善晚宴所筹得的全数款项,将作为耕心慈善社区服务中心的购地基金,约1.15百万令吉。我们希望这一份百家情谊能渊源不觉的流传,让大爱继续散播及扩散。
今届慈善晚宴诚意巨献 “四籍家话” 舞台剧,由四个方言:广东,客家,福建与潮州,四个关于我们的根、家、情及希望的动人故事。