Main Program – Great Heart Charity Care in Hand, Love in Heart Wed, 07 Jun 2023 04:00:25 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Main Program – Great Heart Charity 32 32 4. ORANG ASLI PROJECTS Fri, 18 Sep 2020 02:57:28 +0000 Donation: RM50 – RM2000

Our Orang Asli projects aim to improve the quality of lives for the Orang Asli as well as to enhance their livelihood. A site visit and study is conducted beforehand to gain a better understanding of their living conditions and needs before providing aid.

We have built water wells equipped with water pumps and water tanks to enable storage of clean underground water for the usage of the community so that they no longer need to rely on rainwater for water supply. Each well supplies up to 20 gallons of water each. We also provide organic fertiliser and seedlings to not only grow crops, but to be able to sell them for income.

Every donation is highly valued and crucial for us to continue our work. Every ringgit counts!


Annual funding required: RM50,000

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Persatuan Kasih Sejati (Great Heart Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia. Donations of RM30 and above are tax exempt under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967.

If you need any clarification or further instructions, feel free to contact us at +603-5131 6107.

To read about the latest events under this program, click here for our quarterly reports.

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6. GREAT VISION CHARITY (SISTER NGO) Mon, 06 Apr 2020 10:24:54 +0000 Donation:
Rakan Shopping RM300 x 10 families = RM3000 per month
Didik-Kasih EduCare Program RM6500 per student
Update: NEW June 2023 You & Me Educational Program

Rakan Shopping is a monthly charity shopping program whereby 10 different underprivileged families from “Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR)” will be assessed and chauffeured by volunteers for a grocery shopping session worth RM300 per family every month. The program aims to reduce the household burden and improve the livelihood of the selected B40 families, particularly the poor and the people in vulnerable situations, by providing them with access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food.

The Didik-Kasih EduCare program is a study aid that aims to assist the underprivileged who wishes to further their tertiary studies by providing them with a startup assistance of RM1,500 and monthly allowance of RM250 throughout the period of assistance to cover his / her living expenses while studying. The program also aims to influence and inspire successful applicants to give back to the society by getting involved in and organizing charity activities.

You & Me Educational Program is the implementation of charity culture into schools serves to jump-start students into organizing community projects voluntarily while enhancing their self- development and hence, delivering positive energy into our community. We actively collaborate with students from various societies in schools and universities. Talks and knowledge sharing sessions are conducted for the students and these students will then take the initiative to organize community projects with Great Heart acting as partners in support of them by providing them with guidance and funding.

As this is an initiative under our sister NGO, donations can be made directly to the association at:


Persatuan Harapan Mulia
CIMB 800-360-0877


Persatuan Harapan Mulia (Great Vision Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia.
Hence, donations above RM30 are tax exempt under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967.

Read more about the charity at their website here, or follow them on Facebook here.

For inquiries or receipts, kindly email

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The post 6. GREAT VISION CHARITY (SISTER NGO) appeared first on Great Heart Charity.

5. GENG XIN TANG (SISTER NGO) Mon, 06 Apr 2020 08:57:38 +0000 Donation: 2,600-3,600 per funeral case

Established in 2016, Geng Xin Tang aims to accord the poor, underprivileged and unaccompanied deceased with free coffin/urns and funeral services.

Geng Xin Tang is a platform where funds are gathered to hold funeral cases for the unfortunate. Any donation amount is welcome.

As this is an initiative under our sister NGO, donations can be made directly to the association at:

Persatuan Kebajikan Kasih Semadi
MAYBANK 5627 8606 7208


Kindly note that Geng Xin Tang does NOT provide tax exemption receipts as of this moment. We thank you in advance for your support and trust.

Read more about the organisation here, or follow them on Facebook here.

For inquiries or receipts, kindly contact WeChat ID: jialioon

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The post 5. GENG XIN TANG (SISTER NGO) appeared first on Great Heart Charity.

3. GREAT HEART COMMUNITY CENTRE (GHCC) Wed, 15 Mar 2017 08:03:01 +0000 Donation: RM50 – RM2000

Lunch Box for the Hungry is a food donation project that aims to feed the hungry, destitute, and poor living within the vicinity of GHCC with the hope that it may ease their burden. Free lunches are given out to pre-registered and walk-in clients in the form of prepacked lunch boxes at GHCC Monday-Saturday (except public holidays) and this requires RM43,680 every month.


Free TCM Treatment is for the underprivileged to receive Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment for free. Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, GHCC conducts a half-day free TCM check-up and treatment session for underprivileged groups, especially those from old folks' homes.


Classes and Activities are held weekly for children from underprivileged families. Tuition classes for Bahasa Malaysia and English are held every Saturday, while diabolo, yoga, taekwondo, baking, Chinese calligraphy and singing classes are held throughout the month, which requires RM2,000 monthly.


The Community Garden at GHCC covers over 2,000 square feet of land area where volunteers get to learn, work, and sweat together to grow crops of vegetables for the community.


Every donation is highly valued and crucial for us to continue our work. Every ringgit counts!


Annual funding required:

Lunch Box for the Hungry:
RM 43,680 x 12 months = RM 524,160.00

Medical Check Up for the Needy:
RM 1,500 x 12 months = RM 18,000.00

Classes and Activities:
RM 2,000 x 12 months = RM 24,000.00

Community Garden:
RM 2,000 x 12 months = RM 24,000.00

Total = RM 590,160.00

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Persatuan Kasih Sejati (Great Heart Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia. Donations of RM30 and above are tax exempt under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967.

If you need any clarification or further instructions, feel free to contact us at +603-5131 6107.

To read about the latest events under this program, click here for our quarterly reports.

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7. EARTH WARRIORS ASSOCIATION (SISTER NGO) Wed, 15 Mar 2017 07:22:14 +0000 Registered in July 2020, Earth Warriors Association (PPM-020-10-02072020) aims to preserve the environment via the projects below:


1. Mini Earth Warriors Project
Clean-up activities are conducted every month at public areas around the Klang Valley to maintain the beautiful image of the city.

2. Earth Warriors Day
An annual mass street clean-up project that mobilises the help from local communities and schools, with the assistance from local councils.

3. Mangrove Rehabilitation & Clean-up Project
A project to rehabilitate mangrove saplings at affected sites and raise public awareness on mangrove forest destruction.


As this is an initiative under our sister NGO, donations can be made directly to the association at:

Persatuan Pahlawan Bumi
Maybank 5127 8122 0670

Kindly note that Earth Warriors Association does NOT provide tax exemption receipts as of this moment. We thank you in advance for your support and trust.

Read more about the organisation here, or follow them on Facebook here.

For inquiries or receipts, kindly email

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Persatuan Kasih Sejati (Great Heart Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia. Donations of RM30 and above are tax exempt under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967.

If you need any clarification or further instructions, feel free to contact us at +603-5131 6107.

To read about the latest events under this program, click here for our quarterly reports.

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8. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM Fri, 05 Dec 2014 18:15:16 +0000 Great Heart Charity Association collaborates with like-minded parties such as corporations and organizations to achieve a similar objective – give back to society. Throughout the years, we have been actively engaged in CSR activities in several ways:


1) Beneficiaries of the Activities/Campaign

Be it a monetary or in-kind donation, we are constantly looking for support on our ongoing programs and activities and to cater to more underprivileged groups. Contact us for more information on our initiative.


2) Charity Partner

a) Assist to plan out CSR Program

The administrative cost will be charged at RM35/manhour. Collaborators may state their interests (e.g. location, budget, number of staff involved, and preferred date/month) for us to proceed with project planning and execution. While collaborators bear the full cost of the activity, we source ideal beneficiaries and helps organize suitable and meaningful activities.

b) Joint partnership

Different parties come together for a joint effort in organizing a campaign or project. Each party is assigned different roles and tasks, such as advertising, groundwork, liaison, etc. Administrative costs may be charged.


3) Manpower Assistance

Collaborators may participate in our ongoing volunteering opportunities. However, it is usually limited and based on a first come first serve basis.


Complimentary Services

As an appreciation, we offer mentions on social media platforms and quarterly reports, and sometimes assist to write and submit press releases.


Drop an email to for more information!

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The post 8. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM appeared first on Great Heart Charity.

2. DIALYSIS SUBSIDIES Tue, 18 Nov 2014 10:45:08 +0000 Patients of kidney failure go for dialysis treatments three times a week. This causes financial strain for low-income patients as each dialysis session and the injection combined can cost up to RM250. Some patients even refuse treatment because they do not want to be a financial burden to their families.

Great Heart supports 25 low-income families undergoing dialysis treatment every month by subsidising their monthly medical fees, from a minimum of RM260 to a maximum of RM1500 per family for a period of 6 months. During our support period, we also help families apply for government-aided dialysis subsidies. Nevertheless, we require RM16,000 per month in order for us to continue running this program.

Every donation is highly valued and crucial for us to continue our work. Every ringgit counts!

Annual Funding required:
RM16,000 monthly x 12 months = RM192,000.00


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Persatuan Kasih Sejati (Great Heart Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia. Donations of RM30 and above are tax exempt under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967.

If you need any clarification or further instructions, feel free to contact us at +603-5131 6107.

To read about the latest events under this program, click here for our quarterly reports.

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1. UNDERPRIVILEGED FAMILIES Mon, 17 Nov 2014 10:41:26 +0000 Donation: RM50 - RM2000

From losing their source of income due to health conditions, to single parent families who live hand-to-mouth but want a better future for their children via education- a little assistance goes a long way for these families going through a rough patch.

Great Heart supports 25 poor underprivileged families with groceries of up to RM300 per month/family for a period of 6 months. Great Heart’s volunteers buy and send groceries to each family on a monthly basis, while being a listening ear during each visit. We also provide guidance on areas such as career choices, financial literacy and planning, so as to provide beneficiaries means to self-sustain. We require RM7,500 per month to run this program targeted at poor underprivileged families.

Every donation is highly valued and crucial for us to continue our work. Every ringgit counts!

Annual Funding required:
RM300 x 25 families x 12 months = RM90,000.00

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Persatuan Kasih Sejati (Great Heart Charity Association) is an institution listed under Section 44(6) ITA 1967, LHDN Malaysia. Donations of RM30 and above are tax exempt under Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967.

If you need any clarification or further instructions, feel free to contact us at +603-5131 6107.

To read about the latest events under this program, click here for our quarterly reports.

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