Showing 97–98 of 98 results

Out Of Stock

Support Rusli in Taking Care of His Community

Target: RM 1000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Rusli bin Sharif is dedicated to serving his community, organizing activities and helping those around him. However, his phone, a vital tool for managing his responsibilities, has broken down. Without a functioning phone, Rusli struggles to carry out his work efficiently, as it’s essential for communication and organizing community events.

Unfortunately, he currently has no means to afford a new phone, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with his tasks. Rusli would be incredibly grateful for any help in achieving his dream of getting a new phone. Your support will not only help him manage his own affairs but also allow him to continue serving the community he cares so deeply about.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Support Siti in Reliving Precious Moments

Target: RM 750

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Siti, a loving grandmother whose greatest wish is for her grandchildren’s happiness. Several years ago, they lost their mother, and one of their cherished memories is a visit to I-City, where they spent joyful moments together.

Siti dreams of taking her grandchildren there again, but her unstable income makes it difficult to fulfill this wish. With her daughter gone, all Siti wants is to recreate that special experience and relive the happiness they once shared. Your donation can help make this heartfelt wish a reality, allowing Siti and her grandchildren to visit I-City and honor the memory of their beloved mother.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.