Showing 65–80 of 98 results

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Help Us to Support Farhan Wish Of Suitable Clothes

Target: RM 500

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Muhammad Farhan is a young boy with big dreams and a lot of hope. Each year, his parents can only buy him one new set of clothes. They wish they could do more for him, but their budget is tight.

With a little help from you, Farhan could get new clothes more often, which would make him even happier and more confident. Your support would also ease the burden on his parents, letting them focus on making a better life for their family.

Every bit of help brings Farhan and his family closer to their dreams. Your kindness can make a big difference, giving Farhan and his parents hope for a brighter future.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Hope for May Xin’s Brighter Future

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Every day is a battle for May Xin, who is confined to her wheelchair. Simple movements most of us take for granted such using her hands, typing, or even reaching—are difficult tasks for her. Her stiff fingers, hands, and legs make even the smallest tasks a painful struggle, leaving her physically drained and emotionally weary. Despite her resilience, the weight of her condition grows heavier, making it harder for her to keep up with the demands of daily life.

A laptop represents more than just a device to May Xin, it is a lifeline. With a laptop, she could perform her tasks more easily, giving her some relief from the daily hardship of fighting against her own body. It would allow her to work with dignity and ease, something she longs for as her condition worsens. Without this vital tool, the already overwhelming challenges she faces seem insurmountable.

May Xin desperately needs a laptop, and your compassion could transform her life. By providing her with this essential tool, you would not only ease her physical burdens but also give her a renewed sense of hope and empowerment. In a world that often feels so limiting, your generosity could make all the difference.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Hope for Zu Wei’s Better Career Path

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Zu Wei is a passionate young man with cerebral palsy, bound to a wheelchair but determined to forge a future in AI Learning. He is currently pursuing computer classes at Dual Blessings, driven by his dream to excel in the field of artificial intelligence. However, without a personal computer, achieving his goals remains a significant challenge.

Living with his hardworking parents, who labor tirelessly to support the family, Zu Wei struggles to access the tools he needs for his studies. A computer would enable him to not only keep up with his coursework but also develop the skills necessary to become self-sustaining in his future career. It would be a crucial step toward his independence and success.

Your support in providing Zu Wei with a computer would be transformative. It would help him overcome barriers, fully engage in his education, and work toward a future where he can be self-sustaining and achieve his dreams. Your generosity could make a profound difference in his life and future.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

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I Wish for My Mother’s Comfort

Target: RM 400

RM 200.00


1 Donors

Meet Ayatul, a devoted daughter caring for her beloved mother, who is struggling with the effects of a stroke. As she strives to ensure her mother’s comfort and well-being, Ayatul faces the challenge of meeting her mother’s needs with limited resources.

Currently, she urgently requires adult diapers to help her mother remain comfortable and dignified.

Your generous donation can provide these essential items, making a significant difference in their daily lives and easing the burden on Ayatul as she cares for her mother.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

Out Of Stock

Laptop for Athirah’s Education

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Athirah is about to start her tertiary education with dreams of becoming a lecturer. Despite her passion and determination, she faces a significant hurdle that her broken laptop. Without a working computer, completing assignments and managing her coursework will be incredibly difficult.

Currently working to save up for a new laptop, Athirah is struggling to balance her job and academic preparations. A laptop is crucial for her studies, and a printer would also help her earn extra income by providing printing services to fellow students. Your support could be the key to helping Athirah overcome these obstacles and achieve her dreams.

Your generosity could transform Athirah’s future, making a profound difference in her educational journey and giving her hope in this challenging time.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Laptop for Fatin’s Education

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Fatin, an ambitious college student whose only wish is to strive more in her university life.

Unfortunately nowadays, doing that could be costly and with  technology being a very important part of education nowadays, Fatin wishes a laptop to finish her assignments and studies.


A little help from you could support Fatin’s dreams and wish to pursue more in university and get ready for a better future.

Out Of Stock

Laptop for Intan’s Education

Target: RM 2000

RM 2,000.00


1 Donors

Intan dreams of excelling in her studies, but without a laptop, she’s constantly borrowing from friends just to keep up. This dependence weighs heavily on her, making her feel like a burden while struggling to meet deadlines. Each day, she worries whether she’ll be able to access the tools she needs to succeed.

A laptop would change everything for Intan. It would give her the independence to study without relying on others and the freedom to focus on her future. Your kindness in helping her get a laptop would lift a heavy burden and give her the chance to thrive.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.


Out Of Stock

Let Ghazali See His Future

Target: RM 3000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Ghazali, a hardworking student and devoted son who carries the weight of supporting both himself and his family.

Driven by a deep sense of responsibility, Ghazali’s biggest dream is to make his mother proud by joining the police force. His passion for helping others and keeping his community safe fuels this ambition. However, there’s one obstacle standing in his way that he needs to improve his eyesight to meet the requirements for joining the force.

With your support, Ghazali could undergo the eye laser surgery he needs to qualify and take the next step toward achieving his dream.

Let’s help Ghazali not only fulfill his dream of becoming a police officer but also make his mother’s wish come true – seeing her son proudly wear the uniform and serve those in need.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

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Let’s bring back Mohammad’s Childhood Joy That He Never Could Have

Target: RM 740

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Mohammad has always been a cheerful and selfless person, putting others’ feelings before his own. While this has been admirable, he’s come to realize how many personal joys he’s missed out on because of it.

Growing up, his family were never able to celebrate his birthday; all he could get was a wish. But recently, his new friends surprised him with a birthday cheesecake, and it made him truly happy.

Now, Mohammad’s only wish is to have that joyful experience again. A cheesecake might seem like a small thing, but for him, it’s a special treat that brings him happiness.

Let’s help make Mohammad’s wish come true by getting him another cheesecake. It’s a simple way to show that his happiness is important too.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

Let’s Help Norhaslina’s Business Thrive

Target: RM 600

RM 600.00


1 Donors

Norhaslina Binti Roordin has worked tirelessly to build her homemade ice cream business, creating delicious treats that bring joy to her customers. However, she faces a significant challenge. Without a proper freezer, it’s difficult for her to keep her ice cream fresh and run her business smoothly. The lack of proper storage has led to delays and missed opportunities, making it hard for her to meet customer demand.

A new freezer would allow Norhaslina to efficiently store her ice cream, grow her business, and provide a stable income for her family. Your support could give her the freezer she needs to continue sharing her wonderful creations and achieving her dream.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

License to Betterment for Amirul

Target: RM 550

RM 585.00


3 Donors

Amirul, a young student who carries the weight of his family’s burdens on his shoulders.

With a single mother struggling to make ends meet, Amirul has taken on the responsibility of supporting his family and siblings.

Despite his own life challenges, he remains determined to succeed.

Amirul’s wish is to obtain a motorbike B2 license, which would allow him to commute more easily and do more part-time work to help his family.

Your donation can transform his life, giving him a chance to ease his family’s struggles and pursue his dreams.

Make a difference in Amirul’s life by donating now.

Out Of Stock

Masiah’s Hundred Miles Reunion

Target: RM 3000

RM 80.00


2 Donors

Masiah binti Talaha longs to visit her ailing mother in Beluran, Sabah.

Her mother, who is 103 years old, has been unwell due to old age, and Masiah desperately wishes to see her while she still can.

A full-time housewife, Masiah is unable to work because of Parkinson’s disease and diabetes.

She tirelessly cares for her husband, who has suffered a stroke and is partially paralyzed, as well as her child with a mental disability.

The family’s survival depends on zakat assistance and the meager support from her children, who are also struggling. Masiah’s dream of visiting her mother remains unfulfilled due to financial constraints, but she prays for the chance to reunite with her mother before it’s too late.

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New Canvas Tent, New Hope for Kalaivahni’s Business

Target: RM 400

RM 490.00


3 Donors

Kalaivahni, a dedicated single mother, is in dire need of a new canvas tent to replace her old, tattered one that has long outlived its purpose.
She doesn’t have a permanent job to make enough income for the things her family and her daily needs.

With a new canvas tent, along with a customized sticker and card to enhance her business’s appeal, Kalaivahni could not only secure a better livelihood for her children but also transform her dreams of stability into a reality.

Your support can turn this pressing need into a hopeful new beginning for her family.

Out Of Stock

New Hope for Zaitun

Target: RM 1550

RM 1,100.00


2 Donors

Zaitun faces challenges every day as a person with disability, but one of the hardest struggles is simply getting to work.

Her wheelchair, in poor condition, has become almost impossible to move, making daily life and work even more difficult. Due to a unique condition that causes her legs to flip backward, Zaitun requires a special wheelchair, one that can provide the support and mobility she desperately need.

Without this wheelchair, Zaitun’s ability to continue working and maintaining any sense of normalcy is slipping away.

The cost of a new, specialized wheelchair is beyond her reach.

With your support, Zaitun could regain her independence and ease the burden of her daily struggles.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Out Of Stock

New Phone for Isyraq

Target: RM 1000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Meet Isyraq, an ambitious student. Driven by his passion for learning and achieving his goals, Isyraq consistently puts his best effort into his studies. However, in today’s tech-driven world, having reliable technology is crucial for academic success.

Unfortunately, Isyraq’s phone is broken, a significant setback for someone who relies on it daily for managing assignments and staying connected with his university work. Without a functional phone, he struggles to keep up with his tasks, hindering his ability to fully engage with his studies and reach his full potential.

With your support, Isyraq could obtain a new phone, which would not only ease his daily academic challenges but also empower him to continue striving towards his dreams.

By helping him get a new phone, you’re giving Isyraq the tools he needs to excel in his studies and move closer to his future ambitions.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. 

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New Phone to Junaidah

Target: RM 1000

RM 0.00


0 Donors

Junaidah’s old 3G phone is no longer working well, making it difficult to copy-paste, forward messages, or download online banking apps.

This phone is essential for her daily life, including managing her business and her children’s school needs.

With no steady income and three children still in school, Junaidah urgently needs a new phone to keep up with these responsibilities. Supporting Junaidah with a new phone will help her manage her business, care for her children, and navigate her daily challenges more effectively.

Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.