Out Of Stock New Canvas Tent, New Hope for Kalaivahni’s Business Target: RM 400 RM 490.00 123% 3 Donors Kalaivahni, a dedicated single mother, is in dire need of a new canvas tent to replace her old, tattered one that has long outlived its purpose. She doesn’t have a permanent job to make enough income for the things her family and her daily needs.With a new canvas tent, along with a customized sticker and card to enhance her business’s appeal, Kalaivahni could not only secure a better livelihood for her children but also transform her dreams of stability into a reality. Your support can turn this pressing need into a hopeful new beginning for her family.Donate Now
Out Of Stock New Hope for Zaitun Target: RM 1550 RM 1,100.00 71% 2 Donors Zaitun faces challenges every day as a person with disability, but one of the hardest struggles is simply getting to work. Her wheelchair, in poor condition, has become almost impossible to move, making daily life and work even more difficult. Due to a unique condition that causes her legs to flip backward, Zaitun requires a special wheelchair, one that can provide the support and mobility she desperately need.Without this wheelchair, Zaitun’s ability to continue working and maintaining any sense of normalcy is slipping away. The cost of a new, specialized wheelchair is beyond her reach. With your support, Zaitun could regain her independence and ease the burden of her daily struggles. Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.Donate Now
Out Of Stock New Phone for Isyraq Target: RM 1000 RM 0.00 0% 0 Donors Meet Isyraq, an ambitious student. Driven by his passion for learning and achieving his goals, Isyraq consistently puts his best effort into his studies. However, in today’s tech-driven world, having reliable technology is crucial for academic success.Unfortunately, Isyraq’s phone is broken, a significant setback for someone who relies on it daily for managing assignments and staying connected with his university work. Without a functional phone, he struggles to keep up with his tasks, hindering his ability to fully engage with his studies and reach his full potential.With your support, Isyraq could obtain a new phone, which would not only ease his daily academic challenges but also empower him to continue striving towards his dreams.By helping him get a new phone, you’re giving Isyraq the tools he needs to excel in his studies and move closer to his future ambitions. Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. Donate Now
Out Of Stock New Phone to Junaidah Target: RM 1000 RM 0.00 0% 0 Donors Junaidah’s old 3G phone is no longer working well, making it difficult to copy-paste, forward messages, or download online banking apps.This phone is essential for her daily life, including managing her business and her children’s school needs.With no steady income and three children still in school, Junaidah urgently needs a new phone to keep up with these responsibilities. Supporting Junaidah with a new phone will help her manage her business, care for her children, and navigate her daily challenges more effectively.Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors. Donate Now
Out Of Stock Nostalgia Taman Seribu Bunga Target: RM 500 RM 500.00 100% 1 Donors Kesumawaty’s heart has long been set on visiting Taman Seribu Bunga Ayer Keroh.Her late husband had promised to take her and their children to this beautiful park, but sadly, he passed away before he could make it happen.Despite seeing the park on television and dreaming of the day they could visit, Kesumawaty has been unable to fulfill this wish due to financial constraints.By supporting Kesumawaty’s dream, you can help her bring her children to the park and honor the promise that was never realized, creating a cherished memory for her family.Donate Now
OT01家庭个案姓名:小萍 年龄:不明 性别:女 职业:无业 住址:不明,在Kepong Jusco 后面组屋楼下的茶室用餐。近况:小萍是一个弱智的女子,父母去世,姐姐遗弃。身份证 遗失了,自己住在甲洞jusco 附近的木屋,每天在附近拾荒及靠好心人施舍过活。没有卫生意识。心愿:推荐人萧先生本身是位半退休人士,他如果在茶室遇到小萍就会买饭或糕点给他吃。希望可以有善心人士捐助三餐不定的小萍每月RM100的伙食费。或者可以有洗碗的清洁工作让小萍有自力更生的能力。圆梦目标款额: RM 500此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。[SP077] Mdm Foo[SP096] Intelligent B & L Sdn Bhd[SP127] 黄宗仁[SP132] WIN BASE SYSTEM SDN BHD (910259-P)[SP166] Channel Solution Provider Sdn BhdDonate now
OT03家庭个案姓名:练金香Lien Kam Heong 年龄:50 性别:女 职业:保姆 住址:Jalan SS3/15, 47300 PJ.近况:我本身是鼻癌幸存者,每年都需要复诊,怕旧病复发。目前帮人家顾孩子,自己的两个儿子有了家室就很少理我们俩老,小女儿还在求学,收入就是保姆工作这里来。先生64岁,尿酸病和低血糖,肾生石需要动手术。心愿:希望有心人能够赞助房子租金每个月RM 900, 解决短期内的经济负担、医好我的丈夫、好好的让我小女儿毕业,我们就可以自力更生了。圆梦目标款额: RM3600此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。[SP127] 黄宗仁[SP170] 彭玉华Donate now
OT04家庭个案姓名:李其英 年龄:50 性别:男 职业:无业 住址:Teluk Panglima Garang,Kuala Langat,Selangor.近况:李先生(父亲)是植物人,母亲失心疯。大女儿20岁,目前帮人家做美容。次女儿17岁被逼辍学来照顾父母。小儿子14岁每天要踏脚车到10公里外的国中读书。心愿:我们完全没有经济来源,父亲需要尿片和奶粉。圆梦目标款额: RM4000此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。[SP127] 黄宗仁[SP132] WIN BASE SYSTEM SDN BHD (910259-P)[SP166] Channel Solution Provider Sdn BhdDonate now
OT05家庭个案姓名:陆惠卿Loke Wai Heng 年龄:71 性别:女 职业:餐厅助理 住址:Jalan Daya 4,Taman Daya Kepong.近况:丈夫因中风卧病在床,年过半百,生活起居都需要人帮忙。71岁的她也有病在身,为了生活还得做工。每天上午喂丈夫吃饱才上班,下班又赶回家喂他吃晚餐、擦身换尿片。丈夫常常闹情绪,搞得她晚上睡不好,身心疲累,担心是自己先病逝。独女也搬回家帮忙照顾先生,女儿本身也在看顾自己六个月大的婴儿。心愿:希望有人可以安排丈夫进甲洞区的养老院,方便探望她。有人照顾丈夫,自己就可以有时间工作找饭吃,有钱买药。另外,家里房间多处有白蚂蚁蛀坏,希望有好心人帮忙修补。圆梦目标款额: RM3000此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。[SP127] 黄宗仁[SP168] 吴剑秋[SP171] 黄荟杰[SP172] Eu Sui Chin[SP133] 匿名Donate now
OT07 家庭个案姓名:Mahani Binti Idris 年龄:75 ( 2015年2月病逝) 性别:女 职业:无业 住址:Block C Pangsapuri SS19, Jalan SS19/7A, 47500 Subang Jaya.近况:2013十月脸部中风丧失说话能力。2014九月全身中风几乎瘫痪。加上糖尿病严重必须把左脚锯掉。养女为了照顾无法工作,还有一个7岁的孩子。生活都是靠邻居施舍。心愿:希望有医生或护士可以到我家帮我做复诊和更新除去余痰的导管或可以得到好心人赞助我去医院的救伤车费用,我因为病情只能坐救伤车去医院。每一次的车费约RM300。圆梦目标款额: RM12,000此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。[SP064] 方雅田[SP094] Tan Tew Senģ[SP097] 邱先生[SP098] 雷惠忠[SP105] 陈美宏[SP107] Pua Hock Kee[SP127] 黄宗仁[SP150] Yi Li Auto Enterprise Sdn BhdDonate now
OT08 家庭个案姓名:林德福 年龄:53 性别:男 职业:打散工 住址:Kampung Perajarit Telok Gong, 42000 P.Klang近况:老公有病无法工作,老婆需要照顾5个孩子,也无法工作。目前收入只依靠福利部,添油钱和散工。心愿:捐赠学费费用(目前还有欠学校钱,需要还清债务)。圆梦目标款额: RM11,800此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。[SP005] Allianz G Seven Agency[SP038] IOT Petroleum Sdn Bhd[SP0058] Khoo Kok Seng[SP0059] Leong Fai Hoe[SP060] 余福成[SP062] 方先生[SP064] 方雅田[SP065] 赵小姐[SP074] Brilliant Bright Construction Sdn Bhd[SP094] Tan Tew Seng[SP097] 邱先生[SP098] 雷惠忠[SP100] 郭若萓[SP107] Pua Hock Kee[SP114] Tan Khor Boon[SP127] 黄宗仁[SP150] Yi Li Auto Enterprise Sdn BhdDonate now
OT09 家庭个案姓名:陈国隆 年龄:58 性别:男 职业:无业 住址:Jalan Hang Lekiu,50100 Kuala Lumpur.近况:单身,和82岁的母亲相依为命住在隆市老旧的店屋楼上。好心店主没有收租金,母亲睡在客厅的老人椅,而自己睡在走廊。两母子三餐靠楼下小贩施舍食物或好心人在晚上派饭。患有肺结核,现在因患有C型肝炎和心脏有问题而不能工作,担心自己病发,走了,无人照顾母亲。母亲曾中风并患有血压高,母亲反而常担忧孩子的病情,母亲唯一的心愿是希望孩子身体健康,没事就好。心愿:不必担忧住宿和三餐的问题,只希望得到好心人捐赠生活费,让母子可以解决交通费、医药费和买一些日用品。圆梦目标款额: RM1,500此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。[SP080] Madam Lai[SP127] 黄宗仁Donate now
OT10 家庭个案姓名:Ellen 年龄:20 性别:女 职业:原住民 住址:Jalan Anggerik Aranda 31/170C, Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam近况:我在原住民教育中心生活了三年,获得了一些简单的教育。目前还住在该中心,但也为其他的40位原住民小朋友上课和做饭给他们吃,做出简单的贡献。明年我将被院长派送到其他的学院上手艺课。心愿:我希望能获得一个数码相机,因为我可以把握在这里的生活拍下来再拿去冲洗,然后带回我的家乡给我的父母亲看,也让他们安心。圆梦目标物资: 数码相机此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。[SP096] Intelligent B & L Sdn Bhd[SP127] 黄宗仁Donate now
OT11 家庭个案姓名:Teel 年龄:15 性别:女 职业:原住民 住址:Jalan Anggerik Aranda 31/170C, Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam近况:我刚来原住民教育中心不久,我来这边的原因是因为我想接受教育。因为在家乡,虽然我毕业小学了,但是家乡的教育制度不好,我只有小学一年级的程度。心愿:我希望善心人士可以带我到书局购买马来文故事书。谢谢圆梦目标物资: 书籍此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。[SP076] 张依雯[SP096] Intelligent B & L Sdn Bhd[SP127] 黄宗仁[SP128] 丘慧倪[SP132] WIN BASE SYSTEM SDN BHD (910259-P)[SP139] 匿名Donate now
OT12 家庭个案姓名:Sekoi 年龄:13 性别:男 职业:原住民 住址:Jalan Anggerik Aranda 31/170C, Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam近况:我在原住民教育中心生活了一年。开始时我连自己的名字也不会写。现在我可以和一年级学生一样读书和写字。我很感谢有机会被送来这个中心学习。心愿:我希望能得到足球,因为我们原住民很喜欢玩足球,而足球也是我们这边中心的少数娱乐之一。圆梦目标物资: 足球此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。[SP076] 张依雯 [SP096] Intelligent B & L Sdn Bhd[SP127] 黄宗仁[SP132] WIN BASE SYSTEM SDN BHD (910259-P)[SP138] Lee Joy Ling & Lee Soo Qing[SP145] SGL Group Chinese CominityDonate now
OT13家庭个案姓名:何雪梅 Kelly Ho Sik Mooi 年龄:70 性别:女 职业:退休人士 住址:Jalan Daya 4,Taman Daya Kepong.近况:丈夫2010年二度中风,导致无法工作,家庭收入完全垄断。两夫妇流离失所,到处寄人篱下,最近申请到一间政府廉价组屋(目前每个月月租RM120)。没有积蓄,丈夫卧病在床,身为老婆的,唯有到处求助,找人施舍。这一餐吃了下餐都不知道有什么。很多时候宁愿自己挨饿吃饼干,也要买一包经济饭给病倒的老公吃。心愿:希望有人可以帮忙我们的生活费,好让我们俩老可以三餐温饱。可以到巴刹买一些新鲜的鱼肉菜煮给我的老公吃或者至少有罐头食品吃。圆梦目标款额: RM3000此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。[SP127] 黄宗仁[SP136] Chong Cai San[SP156] 罗欣仪[SP168] 吴剑秋[SP171] 黄荟杰[SP173] Ms Tung[SP174] Ng Siew GeokDonate now