Showing 49–64 of 175 results
姓名:方宋平 Hong Song Peng
住址:Pandamaran ,42000 Pelabuhan Klang
近况: 洗肾4年了,最近这年影响右眼的视力。骨刺也照成他行动不便。本身也有糖尿病导致左脚脚板被锯掉。所以照成去医院洗肾更加困难。他现在居住地方在4楼,所以需要太太背他下楼。
心愿: 1)希望有人可以跟他对调房子(市价70千),希望居住地方在楼下,方便进出。2)希望有人赞助抽血的Motor(Pysular) 目前血抽不干净。 3)希望有人提供费用去询问右眼睛和手术费用。目前是看不到的。
圆梦目标款额: RM2,880 [SP095] 叶素英[SP127] 黄宗仁[SP134] Hah Sing Kean姓名:Ambarasan A/L Veembaiah
住址:Taman Damai Simpang Morib 42700 Banting Selangor.
近况: 洗肾两年,现在开始影响眼睛视线。无法工作,有2个小孩还在求学。洗肾费用已经是一个负担,然后孩子的学费更让他难以负荷,已经不能付学费了。
心愿: 希望善心人士可以帮补洗肾费用。
圆梦目标款额: RM2,880 [SP127] 黄宗仁[SP131] Lee Shi Han[SP134] Hah Sing Kean[SP162] Yew Yee Khai[SP165] SP165 陈世宁&邓洁明姓名:李进泉 Lee Chin Chuan
住址:Taman Bunga Indah 42450 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
近况: 洗肾七年了,右手及心脏已经不能插入导管。情况很危险了,医生建议装tube在左手上。洗肾期间也导致左眼盲了,右眼也接近看不见,有时候没法付洗肾费,没得洗肾,所以非常痛苦,太太也不能工作因为动过手术不能抬重。
心愿: )希望有善心人士捐赠手部手术费用,私人费用大概RM1200 (eagle / sunway)
2)希望有人赞助每个月RM600-700 洗肾费
3)右眼已经蒙了,希望可以得到RM6000-7000 手术费
圆梦目标款额: RM1,200 此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。 [SP127] 黄宗仁[SP129B] 卓金炳&罗升芳姓名:张文生 Tiew Boon Seng
住址:Taman Banting Mewah, 42700 Banting
近况: 自从2012年7月12日患上肾病后,我就没有再工作了,目前有1儿2女尚在求学中,家里的收入也在2年前停了,目前1星期需要洗肾3次。
心愿: 希望善心人士可以资助打补针,因为洗肾中心的医生一早已经建议打补针,由于经济状况不好,所以一再拖延至现在都还没打。1星期3支补针。
圆梦目标款额: RM2,880 [SP127] 黄宗仁[SP143] Ismail And Tan Trading Sdn Bhd姓名:Kalaivani A/P Perumal
住址:Taman Sri Muda, 40000 Shah Alam.
近况: 忽然间得知自己患有肾病需要洗肾,丈夫去年又交通意外无法正常上班,原本两个人的收入可以维持生计。现在自己因为肾病无法上班,请了三个月的无薪假,加上洗肾的开销让家庭收入有问题。
心愿: 希望有人帮忙儿子的补习费用,让孩子的学业可以不受影响。儿子好学的说要两份补习,希望可以考取好成绩。
圆梦目标款额: RM1,500 [SP127] 黄宗仁[SP148] Chew Sew Chu姓名:Palaniamah A/P Muthuveeran
住址:Taman Batu Tiga, 40150 Shah Alam .
近况: 住在一间7个人住的租屋里都是靠女婿一个人的经济来源。已经单薄的收入,女婿有4个孩子加上自己的肾病真是入不敷出。除了洗肾,每个月还要打针 RM60 一支。
心愿: 希望有人可以帮忙我们家的生活费,孩子的学费和家里欠着的电水费。
圆梦目标款额: RM1,500 [SP124] Yoong Lai Seong[SP125]许先生 [SP127] 黄宗仁[SP168] 吴剑秋[SP171] 黄荟杰姓名:杨惠莲 Yong Fooi Lian
住址:Simpang Utara, 48100 Batu Arang, Selangor
近况: 家里的经济资助完全靠我的媳妇。得知洗肾的消息后让家庭经济出现问题。
心愿: 希望有人帮忙暂时减轻负担,洗肾和打补针的钱。
圆梦目标款额: RM1,200 此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。 [SP127] 黄宗仁[SP152] Wong Liang Chiong姓名:翁金英 Yang Kim Eng
住址:Jalan Kapar, 41400 Klang, Selangor
近况: 最近发现我血糖低,而且不够钱付补针费用
心愿: 希望有人帮忙暂时减轻负担,洗肾和打补针的钱。
圆梦目标款额: RM1,200 此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。 [SP127] 黄宗仁[SP167] Eiscon Construction Sdn Bhd姓名:林金梅 Lim Kim Mooi
住址:Taman Emas Kampung Jawa 41000 Klang Selangor.
近况: 无法负担洗肾费用,已经欠医院RM800费用。
心愿: 希望有人帮忙暂时减轻负担,洗肾的钱还有那笔RM800的欠款。
圆梦目标款额: RM1,200 此心愿已被善心人士完成,感谢大家的付出。 [SP127] 黄宗仁[SP169] Kiwami yakiniku japanese restaurant sdn bhd
Target: RM 400
RM 500.00
1 Donors
Lee Kang Swee’s life took a tragic turn when a fall during his days as a truck container driver left him struggling with severe health issues. His once strong legs now lack the strength to carry him far, leaving him in constant need of support.
Every step he takes is a challenge, and he often has to find a place to sit and rest, as his legs give out after even short distances. Currently, he uses a cane to help him walk, but his greatest wish is for a cane chair—an invaluable tool that combines the support of a cane with the comfort of a seat.
This simple device would be a lifeline for Lee Kang Swee, allowing him to rest whenever he needs and move with greater ease. It would bring him the relief and stability he desperately seeks.
Your support can transform Lee Kang Swee’s life. By helping to fulfill his wish for a cane chair, you provide him with the comfort and support he urgently needs.
Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.
Target: RM 850
RM 1,400.00
3 Donors
Hock Teng, an elderly caregiver, struggles with an old electric bike that has a spoiled battery.
He lovingly cares for a child with scoliosis and speech difficulties, a child who is not his own but whom he treats as his own.
Without a license, Teo walks or relies on public transport, making daily tasks a challenge.
An electric bike would greatly ease his burden, allowing him to take the child to a nearby park and buy essentials.
This small improvement would mean a world of difference for them, offering comfort and better care for the child he holds so dear.
Target: RM 1000
RM 0.00
0 Donors
Kamarudin, the home coordinator of a shelter for the elderly, struggling families, and those unable to work, faces a heartbreaking challenge in providing enough groceries for their daily needs. With limited resources, the struggle to ensure everyone gets sufficient nourishment is a constant burden.
By supporting Kamarudin, you can help provide essential groceries, offering much-needed relief and hope to those who are enduring daily hardships. Your generosity can make a crucial difference in their lives.
RM 80,964.00
165 Donors
Fulfilling 100 Wishes Project , spreading hope one seed at a time is an initiative to embark on a mission to bring joy and hope to 100 underprivileged families.
In the spirit of compassion and community, this special event is dedicated to making wishes come true for those who need it most.
We aim to scatter countless seeds of joy and inspiration, ensuring that hope flourishes and spreads throughout the community, one seed at a time.
You have the opportunity to choose any of the stories on our fundraising list and directly support a specific wish, or you can make a general donation to help bring more dreams to life.
Every contribution counts and can make a significant difference, transforming lives and nurturing a brighter, more hopeful future for all.
Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.
Target: RM 500
RM 0.00
0 Donors
Norazima is a resilient single mother of three who goes above and beyond to provide for her children. Recently, she moved to a new home and is facing challenges in furnishing it. While she needs many things, her greatest wish is to get mattresses for her young children, who are between the ages of 4 and 12. Without proper mattresses, her kids are struggling to get comfortable and restful sleep.
Providing mattresses would make a huge difference in their lives, helping them to sleep better and feel more settled in their new home. It’s not just about comfort; it’s about ensuring they have a safe and supportive place to rest each night.
Your donation can help Norazima make this essential wish come true for her children.
Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.
Target: RM 5000
RM 1,070.00
10 Donors
Krishnamorthy is an inspiring individual who, despite losing both legs and battling Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) , remains resilient.
His current wheelchair is very old and uncomfortable , making it hard for him to move around and maintain his independence.
A new wheelchair would significantly improve his quality of life, providing the comfort and support he needs.
By donating to this cause, you are not just providing a wheelchair; you are giving Krishnamorthy the gift of mobility , and freedom.
Let’s come together to support him and show that he is not alone in this journey.
Help us fulfill Krishnamorthy’s wish and be a part of his story of resilience and hope.
Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.
Target: RM 400
RM 400.00
1 Donors
Alia is a dedicated single mother who supports a large family, including her aunts and cousins. While she manages to earn an income, it falls short of meeting all their needs. One pressing issue is providing adequate school supplies for her children. Her kids have been using the same school supplies for years, and when items break or wear out, she simply can’t afford to replace them. Alia’s heartfelt wish is to ensure her children have the tools they need to succeed academically.
Your support can make a significant difference. With a small donation, you can help Alia purchase much-needed school supplies for her children, giving them the resources they need to excel in their studies.
Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.