Support Esiah to Visit Her Mother’s Grave

RM 0.00


RM 2,800.00 Goal

0 Donors

Esiah deeply wishes to visit her mother’s grave in Sandakan to honor her memory and find some personal peace. Unfortunately, she faces financial difficulties that make this important journey challenging. The cost of travel and other related expenses are more than she can currently afford.

Visiting her mother’s grave is a meaningful and healing experience that Esiah longs for. It would give her a chance to reflect, remember, and pay her respects in a way that’s deeply personal and important to her.

Your donation could make this heartfelt visit possible for Esiah. By helping cover the costs, you would provide her with the opportunity to connect with her mother’s memory and find solace during this difficult time.



Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.

Campaign Closed


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