Sound of Happiness for Kaylie

RM 50.00


RM 7,000.00 Goal

1 Donors

Kaylie was born into a loving family that includes her mom, stepdad, younger sister, grandma, and a puppy named Princess.

Since childhood, Kaylie has struggled with hearing issues, making it difficult for her to fully connect with those she loves.

She dreams of getting hearing aids so she can finally hear her mom’s voice clearly and discover what her younger sister sounds like. Hearing aids would also allow her to communicate better with her family, especially her 84-year-old grandma, who often falls ill and needs regular visits to the hospital.

As her family faces financial difficulties, they are unable to afford the hearing aids Kaylie so desperately needs.

Kaylie’s passion for music adds to her longing to hear better, as she hopes to fully experience the beauty of sound.


Disclaimer: The estimated amount (RM) needed for this initiative may vary. The final cost might be higher or lower than anticipated, depending on various factors.   

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