Ms.Thoo Fong Ming 是一名61岁的洗肾病患,家境清寒无法支撑医疗费。十年前,命运之神带走了她生命中最重要的丈夫,就在她悲痛不已之时,儿子突然亲离出走而令她心寒不已。女儿从小患有小儿麻痹症,健康状况欠佳。



耕心慈善为了帮助他们减轻医疗负担,每个月给予RM720 的洗肾津贴,为期六个月。耕心慈善希望大众也能多多益善,帮助这一家庭减轻庞大的医疗开支并给予关心及鼓励。

Ms.Thoo Fong Ming is a 61-year-old patient with kidney failure. When she is 50, her husband passed away and it makes her really upset and grief that she had lost her partner, her son has abandoned the family and leave the house without any financial or emotional support to her own mother. Her daughter has polio disease and unemployed. Fortunately, her son-in-law never reluctant to hold up the whole family financially with his job as air-conditional specialist, but his monthly salary of Rm2600 is not sufficient to cover the family daily expense and his mother-in-law monthly dialysis expense of nearly Rm2000.

Moreover, the daughter now has two children, with the increment of living expense, its impossible for her husband to support her mother in full. As Fong Ming watched her EPF gradually run out, she went for his brothers and sisters for help, but they only managed to help for few months and they told her that they cant support her anymore. It leaves Fong Ming really desperate and doesn’t know who to look for help besides us.

Great Heart Charity will be helping them 6 months of Rm720 dialysis subsidies. Show your support by donating to Great Heart to help Fong Ming.