Mr. Ledchumanan 是位63岁的肾病患者,每个月的洗肾费用至少1800令吉,这笔庞大的医疗消费负担就落在他三个孩子的身上。
耕心慈善为了减轻一家人的负担,每个月给予 RM720 的洗肾津贴,为期六个月。耕心慈善恳请社会各界人士伸出援手,为改善 Mr. Ledchumanan 一家的经济困难而出一份力。
Ledchumanan is a 63-year-old patient with kidney disease because he is too old to get subsidies from Perkeso. He needs to pay Rm1800 in his dialysis cost monthly and this is such a huge financial burden to his three children.
His eldest son needed to pay the rental and groceries for his parents, while the second son need to pay the monthly installment of his parents transport to the dialysis centre, and the youngest son needed to pay the full dialysis cost of Rm1800 with his monthly average salary of Rm2300. Almost 75% of his salary goes directly to the dialysis centre just for his father sake.
Even though the dialysis cost is too high for the youngest son to handle it alone, he cannot stand the thought of leaving the father at home and not putting his father undergo haemodialysis treatment because it’s extremely dangerous to his father’s health without treatment.
His youngest son told Great Heart Charity that a lot of has changed to his family in terms of financial and family closeness before and after the diagnosis of kidney disease last year, this is such a disaster to him and it makes him so anxious.
Ledchumanan hoped that more people can support his dialysis cost and lessen the financial burden of his youngest son. Great Heart Charity is supporting Ledchumanan Rm720 monthly for six months and we need your help.