Mr. Kunasekaran 的父亲是一名割胶工人,一年前被诊断患有肾衰竭,为此失去工作能力。在短短一年内,每个月高达 RM2200的洗肾费用已经将父亲的毕生储蓄用尽。

身为家中大儿子,Mr. Kunasekaran 如今必须自己独自一人承担这笔这么大的经济负担,全因为兄弟姐妹们在得知父母需要医疗费后开始离开他们显得漠不关心又自私自利。

Mr. Kunasekaran 的母亲哭诉:“以前孩子们都会回来看看我们俩老,但至从家里陷入经济困难后,他们全都走了!身为母亲,我实在感到心寒!”

耕心慈善将赞助 Rm720 的洗肾津贴,限期六个月。耕心慈善恳请社会各界热心人士伸出援手,慷慨解囊来改善他们一家的窘境。

Muniandy (63 years old) is the head of a family of six. Before he was diagnosed as having kidney failure in January 2016, he worked for Sime Darby to do the rubber tapping in Pulau Carey.

He was sent to the St John dialysis centre Shah Alam cause it’s the cheapest dialysis cost that he can afford but it cost him Rm2200 monthly as well. His wife utilized all of her EPF savings and spent on his dialysis cost but it only lasted for a year.

His eldest son, Kunasekaran, who worked as a technician have to carry this financial burden all by himself because 5 of his siblings chose to turn away from his parents and Muniandy’s wife is extremely upset towards the abandonment of 5 of her children besides from Kunasekaran. She cried and weeps and told the social worker that when there is family money, only the children will be stick around. When the family is in hardship, the children have all abandoned their own father and turn their head away even when they asked for the money.

Muniandy and his wife begged more people to help his family to reduce the dialysis cost burden or else they might be forced to skip the dialysis treatment. Great Heart Charity will be helping Rm720 dialysis subsidies for six months and we need your help through donation.


” 我们家原有六个兄弟姐妹,但如今我却必须独自抚养两位年迈的双亲。因为父亲的肾衰竭医疗费每个月高达两千元,导致家里经济陷入苦难,
